Name of Department:                               Department of Restorative Dentistry
Name of Ag.Head Of Deparment:        Dr. A. Umanah
Contact E-mail:                                 
Contact Phone Number(s):                      08035863012


RD 502.1 (Operative Techniques) 2 Units

Aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases including dental caries, Instrumentation, infection control,  Moisture control in operative dentistry, Principles of  cavity preparation and practical demonstration on plastic teeth,  Effect of cavity preparation on the dental pulp, Differential diagnosis of tooth ache,Amalgam properties manipulation, uses   and toxicology, Composite Resins, Glass ionomer cement, Resin, Modified Glass ionomer cement, Polyacrylic modified composite resin  (properties, Presentation, manipulation, uses, etc), Cavity Lining, Tooth wear, Developmental defects, Introduction to endodontics, Reasons for pulp diseases, pathological conditions of dental pulp, sequelae of pulp diseases,Pulp capping,  Pulpotomy, pulp mummification, pulpectomy Introduction to inlays. Gold inlays, indications, cavity preparation and fabrication

RD 502.1 (Operative Techniques Practical) 3 Units

Principles of cavity preparation and practical demonstration on plastic teeth for amalgam and tooth coloured restorative materials, Effect of cavity preparation on the dental pulp, Cavity Lining Etching, Restoration with tooth coloured materials and amalgam, Polishing of restoration, Repairs of restoration, Causes of failure of restoration, Inlays, Practical endodontics on extracted teeth

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should understand the aetio-pathology of dental caries, diagnose dental caries, developmental defects and tooth wear. They should also understand the principle of cavity preparation and root canal treatment.

Competence: The students should be able to carry out tooth restoration procedures using plastic materials and inlay.

RD 504.1 (Complete Denture Prosthodontics) 2 Units

Introduction to complete denture prosthodontics: Definition, complete denture surfaces and parts, denture bases, artificial teeth, Causes and epidemiology of edentulousness,  Diagnosis and treatmnt planning, Anatomic landmarks, Factors predicting outcome of prosthetic treatment, Transition from the natural to artificial dentition, Pre-prosthetic surgery, Impression Techniques Special Trays and border moulding, Bite records, Jaw relation, Articulators, Mounting on articulator, Setting up complete dentures, Occlusion, Try-in, Investment, boil out, packing, curing cycle, deflasking and finishing, Retention support and stability, Overdenture, Delivery and post insertion problems, Burning mouth syndrome, Causes of midline fracture and management

RD 504.1 (Complete Denture Prosthodontics Practical) 3 Units

Tooth carving, Anatomy of teeth, Manipulation of gypsum products, Mounting on articulator

Fabrication of record blocks, Setting up anterior and posterior teeth, Flasking, boil out, curing, deflasking and denture finishing, Fabrication of special tray, Denture repair

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should understand the principles of edentulous patient management.

Competence: The students should be able to rehabilitate an edentulous patient with complete dentures.

RD 501.1 (Science of Dental Materials) 2 Units

Introduction, Basic structure and properties of dental materials, Biocompatibility, Impression materials, Dental waxes, Gypsum products, Polymer, Artificial teeth, Dies, Bonding in dentistry, Casting methods and investment materials, Dental amalgam, Tooth colored restorative materials ( composite resins, GIC etc), Cavity liners and bases, Dental alloys, Dental ceramic materials,CAD/CAM, Polishing and abrasion, Separating Media, Materials employed in radiography, endodontics, periodontics, Implantable materials

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should understand the properties of basic materials used in dentistry.

Competence: The students should be able to make appropriate selection of materials and manipulate them as expected.


 Courses                                                     Examination format

Science of Dental Materials:                       Paper I (Objective)   100 marks

Paper II (Written)     100 marks

Oral             20 marks

Total score of 220 is scaled down to 70%

Continuous assessment 30%

Operative Dentistry                                    Paper I (Objective)  100 marks

Paper II (Written)    100 marks

Practical                  100 marks

Oral                         20 marks

Total score of 320 is scaled down to 70%

Continuous assessment 30%

Complete Denture Prosthodontics               Paper I (Objective) 100 marks

Paper II (Written)   100 marks

Practical                 100 marks

Oral                       20 marks

Total score of 320 is scaled down to 70%

Continuous assessment 30%

RD 507.2 (Endodontics) 4 Units

History taking, clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment planning of common dental problems, Physical and radiographic recognition of common dental disease with particular emphasis on dental caries, Dental injuries – diagnosis and management, Pulp and periapical pathologies recognition and management, Indications for Endodontic treatment, indirect pulp capping, direct pulp capping, Hand instruments, Rotary instruments, Access cavities and working length determination, Cleaning and shaping of root canal system, Obturation of root canal system, Retreatment, Apical surgery, Splinting of traumatized teeth, Endodontic care of permanent teeth in children

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should be able to understand the steps involved in RCT and make appropriate treatment plan.

Competence: The students should be able to carry out uncomplicated RCT.

RD 507.2 (Clinical) 6 Units

RD 607.1 (Fixed Prosthodontics and Advanced Endodontics) 3 Units

Diagnosis and treatment planning, Diagnostic casts and related procedures, Periodontal considerations and mouth preparation, Principles of occlusion, Color science, Tissue management and techniques, classification of crowns and bridges, Onlays, Indications and contraindications of fixed partial denture, Advantages and Disadvantages of fixed partial denture, Articulators and occlusion, Principles of tooth  preparation, Provisional restoration, Preparation of Dies, Wax patterns, Bridge retainers, Pontics  design, Connectors for fixed partial denture, Investing and casting, Finishing the cast restoration, Luting and cementation, Post operative care, Implantology

RD 607.1 (Clinical) 6 Units

607.2 Advanced Endodontics 2 Units

Perio-endo lesions, Diagnosis and management, Radisectomy, Hemisection, Bicuspidation ,Transplantation, Endodontic emergencies, Endodontic treatment in children with permanent teeth.

RD 607.2 (Clinical) 6 Units

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students would understand the steps involved in fixed partial denture prosthodontics and make appropriate treatment plan. They will be able to appreciate the aetio-pathology of peri-endo lesions and principles of management.

Competence: The students should be able to rehabilitate partially edentulous patient with simple fixed partial denture.

RD 511.1 (Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics) 2 Units

Diagnosis and treatment planning, Indications& contraindications, benefits and consequences of wearing removable partial denture, Six phases of partial denture service, Need an demand for treatment, Removable partial denture and elderly, Biomechanics of removable partial denture, Communication between the dentist and technician, Classification of partial edentulous arches, Anatomy of denture bearing areas, Jaw relationships, Denture bases, Clasps, Precision attachment, Indirect retainers, Rests, Connectors

RD 511.1 (Clinical) 6 Units

RD 611.1 (Removable Partial Denture Prosthodontics) 2 Units

Preliminary impressions, Dental surveying, Mouth and tooth preparation, Secondary

Impressions, Refractory cast, wax pattern, investing, processing and finishing, Casting failure

Free end saddle dentures, Try-in and Processing, Delivery and post delivery care, Removable

partial denture design

RD 611.1 (Practical) 6 Units

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should be able to understand the principles involved in the rehabilitation of partially edentulous patient with removable partial denture and make appropriate treatment plan.

Competence: The students should be able to rehabilitate partially edentulous patient with removable partial denture of appropriate design.

RD 611.2 (Partial Denture Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics) 2 Units

Spoon denture, Every denture, 2-part denture, swing lock dentures, Flexible dentures, Overdenture, Immediate and transitional dentures, Rebasing, relining and copy dentures Maxillofacial prostheses

RD 611.2 (Practical) 6 Units

Learning outcome: At the end of the course, the students should understand how to restore old denture to optimal functionality. In addition, they should know how to design and when to recommend specialized prostheses.

Competence: The students should be able to service old denture and rehabilitate partially and fully edentulous patient with  straight forward specialized prostheses.


Paper I (Objective) 100 marks

Paper II (Written)   100 marks

Clinical/Operative   200 marks

Oral examination     20 marks

Total scale to                                70%

Continuous Assessment               30%





1 Dr A.O.Arigbede BDS(1997), FWACS(2004), FMCDS(2004),MSc(2012) Prosthodontics
2. Dr A.U .Umanah BDS(2000), FWACS(2010) Restorative Dentistry
3. Dr O.O.Dosumu BDS, FWACS, MSc(2010) Prosthodontics
4. Dr C.I.Udoye BDS(1986),FMCDS( 2003) Restorative Dentistry
1. Mr. B.O.Ocheke HND in Dental Technology (1996) Dental technology
2. Mr. C.B. Nwankwo HND in Dental Technology  (2004) Dental technology
3. Mrs. A.N. Akani SSCE(1994)
4. Mr R.C. Chuku SSCE(1989)
5. Mrs. C.C. Uche SSCE (2000)
1. Mrs E.Obatarhe BSc(2006)
2. Mrs. R.N. Amadi Teachers Grade II (1986)
3. Miss. C. Ikengah SSCE(2008)